Recently my wife posted a question on yahoo answers. After many ridiculous and closed minded answers....she asked me to reply. I did so without showing our connection so as to not allow people to think i was defending her in someway. What i think you'll see is a slice of how closed and culturally ignorant this country still is.These are real people and the real answers they gave. Enjoy the following..
How can I find a black pediatrician in the Dallas area?
I had a female black pediatrician as I was growing up in Nebraska and seeing her put the idea in my own mind that I could have any degree I wanted. I would love my child to have that same opportunity. I'm new to the area and don't know how to find one. Anyone know?
Other Answers (6)
by Trish D
Member since:
June 24, 2008
Why don't you teach your child that she can be whatever she wants to be and choose your doctor based on experience and skill rather than race.
by kevscuti...
Member since:
December 06, 2006
There are other ways to show your kids that they can be anything they want to be. I think you should find a pediatrician by getting referalls from other parents in your area, like a school or daycare. Good luck.
by wendy_da...
Member since:
March 01, 2006
call a hospital and ask.
by Kuba
Member since:
March 15, 2008
why do you need someone else as a role model for your child?? why don't you try teaching them that message?!?
by Lamont
Member since:
January 03, 2007
This is absolutely ridiculous that you're willing to seek healthcare for your child based on the Dr's race. Unbelieveable!
Mother of 4 - I take my kids to the best doctors I can find, could care less about their race.
by mommymis...
Member since:
July 08, 2008
color shouldnt be what you look for in a pediatrician it should be skill and the way they handle your childif you are the type of person to choose a pediatrician for the color of there shouldnt have had any kids
by Champ Da Beast
Member since:
September 08, 2008
Total points:
113 (Level 1)
Best answer 100%
1 answer
Member Since:
September 08, 2008
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Okay....first and all of you who think that a black woman who would seek a black pediatrician is closed minded....well isn't that the pots (that'd be you) calling the kettle TOO black?
It is not that a black doctor can provide any better or any less care than a white doctor or a physician any other nationality. Doctor's the world wide are more than equipped with the knowledge and skills to give every child the care that they deserve. This is not a person who is relaying so ignorant idea that a black doctor knows her child best. So for all of you stuck on that idea....please stop being complete idiots and use your context clues to figure out what she's asking. Lets move on....
For those who say that "You should be the role model"....again...please open your eyes. This is a mother who obviously values community leaders and role models and wants to expose her child to them in every aspect. Also there is a story (for those who missed it) of her own experience of seeing a black doctor when she was young and that inspiring her. But we'll get to race later. The point is that as mother's you (especially those who are stay at home moms) do have a responsibility to instill in your children a feeling that the world is theirs. A feeling that they be all and do all. A feeling that they are the future. And how do you do that? By showing them that it is possible. By showing them doctors and lawyers and scientist and teachers and MOMS and FATHERS and gardeners and what ever else they want to be. While I understand that you all may be the best example of moms you can be, you may not be the best example of a doctor you can be and etc...Got it? This mother obviously wants to show the child options for their life. That is the basis of the question. This is not a race issue but race is involved. And here is why....
Think of the doctor you had growing up? What race were they? Think of the doctors you see on TV? Again what race? Think of all the ads that flood newspapers and magazines and even sit on the tables in your offices. Again what race? While personally mine was a South American man by the name of Urrittia. Most of yours were probably white. There are no where near as many black physicians as white ones. Why is this important you say? Why should it matter? Don't they give the same care? YES. BUT THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE OF CARE OF BUT OF FUTURE INSPIRATION!!!
When you went to sat with people like you. You played with people like you. At home people like you became your friends. As you grew older and gained more interest and knowledge, it became less important what your friends looked like and more so who they were. Anyone who has studied child psychology (like myself) would know that a child classifies things very simply. If he first identifies a four legged animal as a doggie...then every four-legged animal that follows until he gains more knowledge is a doggie. In our community there are not a lot of four-legged animals.
There are very few black doctors and lawyers in comparison to the majority. Think about it. How many young girls ACTUALLY thought it would be possible to run for president before HILLARY or NANCY? How many young black men thought that before OBAMA?
That is not a black thing. That applies to lower class people. That applies to Jewish. To Italian. To Hispanic. To redheads. Blondes. Short. Tall. Fat. Ugly. you get the point?
Of course there are exceptions. Some kids and people are pioneers. They don't need inspiration. Doing something first is enough for them...but for all those kids that do need a little hero for their dreams, is it wrong to deprive them of that?
That is the real crime. Those are really the ones who "don't deserve to have kids" to quote one of you.
So with no further ado, I want to answer the young lady's question....There are many databases and organizations that provide our community with connections to our physicians. One of those is the
National Medical Association.
With a database of over 25,000 black doctors nationwide, and a directory that is easy to use, I'm sure you find that right mix of care and inspiration for your little one that you are looking for. Good luck...
Asker's Rating:
Asker's Comment:
Thank you so much! You were right about everything. I was frustrated with the cultural ignorance of other answers and I hoped someone would understand the opportunity I wanted to offer my child. Thanks so much!!
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