Addicted to Rhyme

Doctor Doctor help i'm addicted to Rhyme.
Finds and Time combined in my mind finds me sour
An hour past the tower of power
full of flour
and finger-licking chicken pickings
mixed in
Mashed potata's and hata's creating new flava's to savor for later.

But to taste Haste's paste riddled through my viddles
fuddles my middles and insides.
Got me riding high on leather,
ever so clever in my endeavor to feather
seats or sheets or cleats or feets or whoever i meets
with Meets and Beats left deep im my gut
no luck as i upchuck this rot pot lot.

I shot on tots and children
stomach rebuilding,
grownups exit the building,
disgust deeply instilled in
each and every one.
Im sorry hun to kill your fun but
I was addicted to Rhyme so
they put me on Reason
and my body committed Treason.
So's a towel.....

The Drums

The Drums

Drums being beaten.
I can see them
even feel them;
but heard them I have not.

Their silent rumble
resonates in my eyes.
My mind aches for
the sound to prove this reality.
With each resounding pound,
I am stricken.

The drums are so close,
the vibrations are felt in my soul.

Yet,as close as I am,
I feel that
if only I was closer still,
my ears would feast on what they so desired.

And as I draw near,
not only can I feel and see their effects clearly,
but I can hear them.
I can hear the drums.

What Is Love?

What is love?
Love is a fire.
Warming you with it's glow
or burning you with it flame.

What is love?
Love is a river.
Running rapid and bringing life
or drowning you with emotions.

What is love?
Love is space.
It can be wonderous and neverending
or leave you cold and breathless.

But your love is a key;

Setting free my love
from a cage of lonliness
so that our love may soar
through flames, over rivers
and beyond the bounderies of space.

Lovers Land

Lovers Land

On the shores on Tripoli
I find myself in loves gaze.

In the hills of Tuscany
I find myself in loves embrace.

In the coleseums of Rome
I find myself under loves caress.

In the canals of Venice
I find myself under loves kiss.

But in the wonders of my heart,
I find you .

My love.


This poem is dedicated to womankind, who will forever be the blessing and the burden of the men who dare love them...enjoy..


in her eye lies Mystery,
and Mystery lies through her eyes while
borrowing her toungue to spread the Gospel of False Security;
effortlessly erecting edifices encirled in enigmas

loving but not laughing
laughing but not loving

berated by Time and Experience she retaliates with absolutes
i will never and i will always fall carelessly from her lips
shackling her hands and feet emprisoning her in Love;
serving a self-appointed sentence of solitude

alone and surrounded
surrounded and alone

her keepers are Temptation and Satisfaction
who trade shifts at dawn and eve
Temptation the day,Satisfaction the night;
taking turns tantalizing turpitude

having one without the other
having the other without the one

those who cannot see through the haze of Mystique
subsribe to Mystery's Gospel and call her Mysterious
she is not Mystery only sheilded by Her;
diligently diverting Desire and Danger

your love for her will make her fear you
your fear for her will make her love you

beware for she is a looking glass reflecting Love with Fear
"Well if she is only love and fear then why should I look", you say
because you must as a requirement of Life;
Life lacking Love leaves lassitude

living but not breathing
breathing but not living

all of Life is contained in Love and Fear
and to see her is to Live
as they are both contained innately in her;
instinctly invaluable to insure interrelationship

life ends eventually in death
death is only the beggining
