Blinded By Boston

 Blinded By Boston

A Discussion on Terror in America

Current tragic events are becoming more frequent, more violent, and let's face it, more suspect.  Lets talk about the Boston Bombing and it's connections and similarities to the Sandy Hook Massacre, The West Explosion, 9/11, Chris Dorner, Osama Bin Laden, and the NDAA. Are you ready?

If you are following any of the current events you should start to notice a trend; things are less proven and more emotional in "enforcement" of resolving violent situations. We are not seeing any sort of laws being carried out in response to anything that registers as "tragic", giving us no trials, no jury's, no constitution, and no sense.

In the Beginning...

When we entered this current state of events in 2001, we were appalled that "America Was Under Attack", since we were told that this had never happened before,which is a lie. America has been at war since its inception .

First the Natives lost it, then the Europeans warred over it, then the English fought
each other. Next the French fought the English (read "Patriots") for it, then the English warred with Natives again for it. Then the "Americans" fought the Natives again for more land, breaking every treaty, then they fought the Spanish for it, then more Natives. Then they fought themselves for financial control and direction, then they stayed fragmented, then they warred with citizens over living conditions and human rights. Then they took their wars to other shores, and other shores came here to fight, then they set up colonies,

They changed the word "slave" to "employee" and "master" to employer, and forgot the year of Jubilee.  They established prisons, established world forts, and established an armory bigger than the world combined. They established a financial choke hold on the world backed by military and faulty promises, with YOU as collateral.

And they called it Democracy and said the world was safe as long as you live here.

Countries shown in white have no US military presence..
Lies upon lies upon lies, death upon death upon death ; Bloody money and

This is America.

That's just a base for this discussion..on to 9/11, or as I call it "America first cries 'Wolf' ".  Lets look at the details:

9/11 Tragedy

America Attempts the Impossible
America trains and arms Osama and pals to go and kill Sadaam Husein. They fail. Not only that, but they refuse to further align with America.They learn then that these Americans don't really like when you fail at operating a secret mission that fails ; especially assassinations. So they "terrorist group" goes into hiding, and the whole world knows nothing about it for nearly 10 years; here's where it gets murky.

A group in hiding then apparently trains hijackers, brainwashes them to kill themselves, who then become American Nationals.who hijack not one, but FOUR planes, fly them successfully, into highly restricted air space, and damage 3 extremely important buildings. These buildings just happen to be two very recognizable US tourist spots and two very heavily patrolled areas that are under constant surveillance, not to mention one of these buildings is "supposedly" the base of all America's military operation.

The Problems with The 9/11 Tragedy

1. Several people were informed NOT to come in to work at the WTC that Tuesday morning.
2. Many if the floors hit were "under construction".
3. The explosions, melting patterns, and collapse of the buildings were in characteristic of any plane crash in history. #9/11
4. The planes flew through restricted air space, off preplanned course, off auto-pilot, and crashed at different times, both on camera
5. The "suspects" were identified only through media, and supposedly under watch already by various alphabet boys (FBI CIA , etc)
6. The Pentagon wreckage showed no sign of plane wreckage, no luggage, no bodies, and no signs of carnage at all.
7. The side of the Pentagon hit was also "under construction" and was vacant, so there were 0 casualties at that wreckage.

Now the questions....

Are you telling me that 4 planes went off grid and flew for nearly half an hour without response? Are you telling me that Air Force planes do not shoot down unidentified craft in restricted airspace? Are you telling me that there were NO sky Marshall, police, veterans, on ANY of these planes that couldn't stop box cutters?
Are you telling me that 9/11 was caused by some guy on dialysis in the desert with a VCR tape recorder? Then, after 8 years of searching, he magically is found, but killed and dumped in the ocean and not standing trail in World Court?

Things are not as they appear...
I am not saying that people were not hurt, that people did not die, I'm asking you to consider who murdered and hurt them. America has a track record of collecting what they consider "collateral damage" to accomplish goals;remember "Manifest Destiny"? Because of this little charade, we welcomed the ridiculous piece of period rag called "The Patriot Act" and instituted Homeland Security,which was run, if you remember, by business leaders, not military personnel or any one with military experience and supported by FEMA to boot.

American Terrorism Begins

Then we experienced, thanks to the Army Corp of Engineers, and probably a little help from HAARP, Hurricane Katrina, a fiasco necessary to keep the people from understand the amount of tax money being funneled into a war congress did not approve; not that Congress listens to the people anymore anyway, but nonetheless, they did not approve and America begin practicing Terrorism.

If you don't think bombing hospitals, churches, schools, farms, and residential areas in the dead of night is terrorism-then what is?Didn't the Nazi's do the same thing to Britain, Austria,France, Russia and various others? Did you know "Nazi"  means "nationalist"? Did you know Hitler's cause was to build a strong and financially fit Germany, after being embarrassed on world stage after WW1?
Did you Germany is now one of the top places to live with long life expectancy, low disease, and high median income? No?
...what exactly?

And the difference is...

So anyway, America got to practice the plans laid forth by the Patriot Act, including Martial Law, and Emergency Govt. (FEMA). Without the 9/11 precursor, the daily "threat level" warnings , and the supposed "act of god" emergency, you would see these things as they really are-Domestic terrorism on a mass scale in order to slowly take away people's instinct if self preservation and reliance on the Creator, effectively giving control of ones self, including morality, protection,
provision, health, education, family, and freedom to the state.

This makes the state not only your political ruler, but in governing your daily life and "moral" law, but your spiritual one too. This is a process as old as time, stretching from Babylon, Egypt, to Rome, to Greece, to Europe, to America. Soon, we will probably witness the rise of the new Nimrod/Pharaoh/Cesar/Emperor in the form of UN Secretary General.

The Leaf Crown.... a sign of Military Dominance.

As more and more Americans question an event, have you noticed that the events get closer together? Isn't that convenient? What better way to stop the diggers from digging them to give them a new dig site, chock full of "bones" to discover? Just an observation.

We can fast forward a bit here. No need to go over the Gun Control ploy to disarm you, the first implantation of the NDAA Act, the move from war in Iraq, to Iran, to Afghanistan, to Libya, to Syria, the Egyptian uprising , the Sudanese split, the Somalian pirates,the death of Greece, the Ivory Coast political massacres, the South African Jim Crow State, the Chinese loans, the Taiwanese arm sales,the European/American "pissing match", the American Government ignoring the UN, the Israeli Terror Funding and various Media mergers.You'll just have to go and study those yourself as there plenty of info on those topics. Lets look at Sandy Hook, Chris Dorner, the Boston Bombing, and how terrorism is defined in the NDAA 2.0.


A "terrorist" is left undefined in the NDAA, but described as any person who exhibits any negativity towards American values and liberties. These views can be expressed through words, actions, organizing, stockpiling, separation, intolerance,writing, or disapproving of America. The punishment for these acts include:

1.No Warrant Arrest
NDAA- In Layman's Terms
2.Suspension of Miranda Rights
3.Suspension of Due Process
4. No Trail Detainment
5. No notice of family of your arrest
6.No guarantee of release or indictment
7.No protection of Geneva Convention
8. Penalties up to death
9.Seizure of property and holdings
10. Government watch of all associate with you
11.Unchecked government surveillance of "suspects"
12.No apology or retribution if found innocent

Yes, we live in 1945. Welcome to Amerikkka.

Through Sandy Hook, Chris Dorner, and now the Boston Bombing and West Explosion, America is defining "terrorist" for you. Each event is painting the picture of the undefined "terrorist" in the minds of the public through the media.

Sandy Hook

An attack on the government sponsored education system and what it is teaching, which is a UN UNESCO world education system. If you defy the school system, which no longer teaches, but trains the new generation of slaves, you will be labeled a terrorist.

Though the facts clearly point to a system that does not work (52% national graduation rate for black males, dropping yearly) they push it. Though the facts prove that home school students are smarter, more rounded, and exhibit a greater sense of self, you are told otherwise. Though home school students generally have a better home life, stronger faith, and generally tend to avoid criminal activity, it is shunned.

Sandy Hoax
Understand that shipping your kids off to a brainwashing factory of miseducation and false history is harmful to their development. One of the first tactics in conquering a nation is too get the children to follow the new regime. Natives have suffered this for centuries. Schools, when government sponsored and run, will propagandize a "love of country" as morally right, no matter the morals of that country. Children in North Korea are taught no less than to worship their leader...not much difference here.

The Problems with Sandy Hook

1.The school was inactive at the time of the "shooting". There were no classes at Sandy Hook for at least 3 years.
2. There is no live action camera feed of the shootings, no audio, no testimony of teachers or students, no school surveillance.
3.Several RIP pages and donation accounts were created before the event occurred and during duration of event.
4. Several "interviews" have "witnesses" smiling, laughing, joking only hours after children were shot.
5. FEMA practiced for the scenario only miles away the day before the "event" practiced for the exact event occurance.

Chris Dorner

The "Accidental Racist"
An attack on the government "standing military" (police) and law enforcement
agencies. If you oppose the American governments claim that they are your protectors, faultless and blameless, you will be labeled a terrorist.

Although the police, the military,and the hired armies constantly make mistakes, you , the American citizen, are told to ignore them.Though many of you(me included) have been unjustly detained, harassed or terrorized by them, you are taught they are good. Though they respond to property damage faster than people damage, we are taught they "serve and protect". Though they set up a nation wide 7 billion dollar surveillance system with no vote, and monitor ALL your communication,you honor them.

The Problems with Chris Dorner
Ahh...the Media.

1. Again, no live surveillance, audio, or witness of the alleged crimes only old
tapes and pictures.
2. A unverifiable "Manifesto" and subsequent character attacks, mostly of disgruntled exes, not any accused in "manifesto".
3.One man, on foot, eluded an entire STATE of police for days, and then carried 80lbs of weapons in the snow with no trace.
4. Again, no capture, no trail, no jury, but an onsite execution, if any at all.
5. Only media defined identity of body, not medical record.

The West Explosion 

An attack on the American system of labor and production, and a distraction of the details behind The Boston Bombing. If you oppose the American system of labor and production, finding it oppressive and unsustainable, you will be labeled a terrorist.

Before I continue with this one, since it is so fresh, I will just pause to say-yes, real people were hurt- my heart is with the families and yes, many people are going to be scared to talk about this, but ill do it for you mashpacha (family). 
And still no evacuation?

My prediction is that this will come out two ways;

1.It will be reported as a "freak fire"
2.It will be labeled another terror attack

Here's how I see this going:

If The West Explosion is ruled an accident, government will order more surveillance and oversight of private businesses.  This will greatly influence and change the ways private businesses are run, regulated, or register for business.
As a result, less and less new business will be established, and older ones will be shut down. This will limit employment further. By limiting employment, you either increase the need for government assistance, or push people to govt. approved workforce- either way bad

If The West Explosion is ruled terrorism, you will see an increase of surveillance in workplace, more stringent background check or some sort of government approval needed to be hired other than SS card and ID, and it will be mandatory. Perhaps the explosion will be blamed on a disgruntled illegal Mexican or naturalized Mexican, which may institute the USA ID program, which is already active, but not widely used, making USA ID cards mandatory.

The Boston Bombing

The "Suspects"
An attack on American leisure activities, corporation sponsorship, and a final push
against alternate faith. If you do not support American Institutions such as sports and leisure, no matter there presentation, you will be labeled a terrorist. If you find fault with "charity" organizations or "fund-raising" entities and subsidiaries, you will be labeled a terrorist. If you adhere to a faith that is strict in moral standing and intolerant of things defined by your Creator, you will be labeled a terrorist.

These three points are grave people. These three issues will be propagandized heavily over the next few weeks or until the next tragedy.

Adidas is a yearly sponsor..
Corporations serve no interest of people, but of their CEOs or ruling staff. This is the rebirth of serfdom and lordship. CEO's on average make 700x more than the average employee, and usually retire with pensions larger than employees lifetime salary. The change of power in Corporations generally is familial, political, or hostile if taken from outside. Corporations generally adhere to special laws, rights, and freedoms outside of normal citizen law, awarded by government.  Although there is the illusion of hundreds of companies, many company's are under the umbrella of "parent" companies.

 Did you know the Catholic Church is technically a company and that the Pope is the defacto CEO? No? Did you know the company of the Catholic Church has a seat in the UN, but not the country of Vatican City?

US Women's Track 1948
American Leisure activities are progressing more and more towards being purposefully profane, arrogant, and violent. "Sports" outfits and advertising have gotten sexier , words once inappropriate are now common, and behavior once prohibited are encouraged. Each passing year, Americans push for more and more, leaving those who want a modicum of decency feeling alienated.

Those who oppose or opt out are seen as close-minded, intolerant, and extremist.

US Women's Track 2012

There is almost now no difference between TV and Roman Coliseum Death Fighting; in fact, the Coliseum would be be tame by today's standard.

Is this what you see?
How can this work?

Lastly, as faith becomes more and more blurry, and a push for "coexistence" becomes louder, those outside the "coexist" banner suffer as "fringe", "sectist" or "extremist".  The The Boston Bombing suspects were labeled "Muslim", in an even exchange with the word "Terrorist" without a bat of an eye.

 Though both appear fairly "Americanized" , the classification of "Muslim" as identified by media, pushed the images of the last ten years.

This is an effective propaganda campaign,
repeated from the days of Malcolm X- Equate the Faithful with Terror and scare the masses.

As I am listening to the execution of The Boston Bombing "suspects" both under 25, one name rings loud in my ears- Fred Hampton. He was one of many excited by the government, the media, public fear, and the police. These two boys are no different.

Problems with The Boston Bombing

1. No evidence of terror activities, planning, behavior, contacts, or testimony.
2.No evidence of guilt, other than several shots of college students with backpacks on, walking in a crowd. 
3. No apparent attempt to apprehend or question the subjects before public release of pictures, names and profiles.
4.AGAIN-No video, audio, or other surveillance of the supposed shootout, bombs strapped to bodies, or escape from scene.

The Boston Bombing is no more than a training exercise for FEMA and co-operating agencies to test the implantation of NDAA 2.0.Through The Boston Bombing, you saw a government institute martial law, bypass warrant searches of property, kill due process, put automatic machine gun, armor wearing troops on city streets, quarter property and shut down business in one fell swoop.

Now ask yourself a few questions:

1.Are you still free? 
2.Were you ever? 
3.Can you ever be again? 
4.What choices/rights do you still have as a citizen?
5.America become your god?
6.Does it have all the answers for your life?
7.Do they provide for you? 
8.Do they protect you?

An Answer to The Confusion

Is America responsible for your life? Is that what you believe? If so,I want to tell you that this is not so.I know another way. I'd like to share it with you.

 His name is Yahuah.

Don't be alarmed, I know you've probably never seen this name. But is ancient, not new. Yahuah is the Creator. I'm not a Christian, but I do follow the Bible. I am neither Muslim or Rasta. Neither am i Jewish. I am Hebrew, by blood and by faith.

This is entirely different discussion I'd like to have with you if you are willing and able. I will not push it on you. It is your choice. But hopefully, through my words, you are able to see that I have been allowed to see things clearly, by Yahuah's will, not my intellect.

There are a great many things that will happen soon. Many will be confusing. Many will be frightening. Many will die. But there is an escape and there is protection. Also, there is providence.

And there is a REAL right and wrong.

This will not be a difficult conversation, but one that I hope might lead you out of this crazy world we live in.

In the meantime, I pray peace and understanding for you, and that you would come to know truth by anyway He sees fit for you. I have abandoned this American life in hopes of forgiveness from the Creator. It is not a fiction, but a history, which is repeating now. I pray you come to realize that time is short, as many of you have felt. I pray you hear the urging in the quiet times pushing you to truth. I pray you look with open eyes at Ll that surrounds you and question it relentlessly. This I pray for you.

May Yahuah open your eyes and ears, and soften your hearts to know Him.


Kendrick Champlin

History Comes Full Circle, Pt.2

History Comes Full Circle
A Discussion on Identity and Intention
Part Two

In part one, we discussed that "not living" and "dying" were different. I highlighted a variety of topics that are "not living", including depending on a system for life, being taught to support that system and not yourself, and being effectively neutralized as a free thinker and having your movements restricted through fear tactics and other sorts of nonsense. I don't wish to go into detail in the main part of this blog, but will gladly discuss among the comments if you would like.


What does it take to "live'? 

This is probably the the simplest, and truest answer that you will ever hear-

Seek and Know Yahuah
THIS is life.
If you have never seen this name, it has been hidden from you, purposefully, with every intention that you not ever know it.  It is not new but ancient. Yahuah is the One who has been calling you. The whisper you can't comprehend, the urging to abandon this world and its ways. Will you listen? Will you answer this call? Will you rise from amongst the dead? Or will you see destruction all around and keep sleeping?

Yahuah in Dead Sea Scrolls

Yahuah on Greek Septuigent, used to translate into the English KJV

This is not some "come to my church/bring me offering/feel bad now" message I'm trying to tell you- it's not even fire and brimstone fear tactics-

I am for once in your life offering you the truth-pure, unfiltered, unadulterated.

I have no motive other than you hear it at least once

You may dismiss what I have to say. You may call me a Yahoo. You may lump me with some extremist hate group or another-that is your choice-

But at least- listen.

The Bible-a word deriving from the Greek word Biblios meaning "book", is not fiction, but history. I know you've heard this before, humor me. The events can be cross referenced by any serious student of history, sociology, world civilizations, ancient geography, and geology. The names, identities, ethnicities, language, and cultures of this book have been changed, altered, misrepresented and usurped.

However, the changes are not exactly the way you might think- not deletions or additions, merely a simple obscuring through understanding and misunderstandings, a mass scale reduction or hiding of information until the younger generations simply forget or lost interest, or both.

Because rather than try and rewrite an entire history of the entire world, from start to finish, it is easier to discredit it, re-arrange it, and re-tell it changing only key components that cannot be wiped out, but obscured rather easily.

The purpose of this series of articles is to replace the missing peices of the puzzle in order to inspire to to seek truth. I am in no way asserting that I have every answer to every question ever. I am only revealing to you what I, and many others, have uncovered which was once hidden, obscured, and taught falsely.

Here are the first pieces to this puzzle.

The Jews are not the Hebrews

This is historical fact, not fiction. Their is no support for this lie.

Egyptian Bust found in tomb
Yes, the Sephardic Jews did live in the city of Jerusalem and surrounding areas for some time, but only AFTER Assyrian invasion. The original inhabitants of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah were NOT the inhabitants post invasion.

Pharoah Amh
Egyption Mummy
Let's start at the ethnicity and history of the Egyptian people. The original Hebrew

This is an important factor in bringing forth the truth
Sudanese national
people's, scribes of the ancient text the "Turah" were Egyptian slaves prior to establishing Jerusalem in Canaan.  As more information surfaces and the lie of Egyptology is exposed, you will see that the ancient Egyptians were not how they have been portrayed in modern film and books. The phenotype and description, and even mummified remains of the Egyptians point to a people very close to the Sudanese or Ethiopian. Given the geographical locations of Sudan and Ethiopia, the flow of the Nile, and the history of Northern invasions into the North African Territories (including the Middle East, a Peninsula of Africa not separated until the building of the Suez Canal)- it is
a safe assumption that the modern Sudanese and Ethiopians are the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians-a history that has been purposefully distorted.

The Egyptians were an extremely homogenous race, much like the Japanese today.  Their royalty lines were kept within the family, as much of ancient theocratic monarchies were, and are today. The only way a foriegner would sit and rule over these people was miltary invasion, conquer, and capture. The importance of "keeping up appearances" was a very important factor in their society. A matter that was emulated by later invaders who often wore wigs,
makeup, and other attire to physically try and resemble the ones they had usurped.
Bust of Nefrititi
Ethiopian Model

This is a bit of diversion, but neccrsary to understand the frequency of this behavior in ancient times-

This is EXACTLY the same behavior that took place in Israel and Judah after the Assyrian invasion- a complete usurpation of identity. The same was true of the Hebrew Kingdoms, who were instructed by Yahuah to only chose Kings only from amongst their bloodlines.Also, a deporting of inhabitants to prevent an uprising. This is common- deportation or slavery during the capture and conquer of a foreign nation.

Quick Question- Is there any record of Askenazi or Saphardic Jews in captivity as described in the Turah?

I could go on from here, but this should be enough to start your study.  Look deeper into this and it will be evident.

Something real has happened, is happening, and will happen soon- your job is to find out what.

In the third installment, I will discuss more on who the Jews are, who the Hebrews are, who Yahuah is, and what you need to do about all that.


Kendrick Champlin

 For Similar Post, Click Below:

 History Comes Full Circle, Pt. 1

Blinded By Boston

America and Her Beloved Wars

Suspended Disbelief

A Cry Unto Babylon

History Comes Full Circle

History Comes Full Circle

A Discussion About Identity And Intentions
Part One

So, this year, my tax refunds will be spent on passports and debt freedom. We are trying to get outta here, Yahuah willing! America is trying to pull your string folks...

....after polio blankets, the Zapata letter, Wounded Knee, Trail of Tears, the Tuskegee Project, California concentration camps....

....the Civil War (a war of finances,not freedom) Seminole War, Cuban Invasion, Hawaii Overthrow, Iraqi Freedom, Iran/Syria Invasion..

....Panama syphilis testing, COINTELPRO, The Lusitania, Taiwanese underground arms deals, The Contra Affair, Colombian Drug smuggling...

...legally executing mentally handicapped and underage children, locking up children from 6 years old for life, not arresting child killers..

...harboring child rapists under "religious" protection, pushing and endorsing poison foods, miseducating children and adults daily ...

..deceiving and outright lying to the public, the private, the individual, the group, itself , and the world...

...You REALLY think #amerikkka gives a care about YOUR interest, YOUR safety, YOUR protection, YOUR life or YOUR liberty? REALLY?
Nor is He America, It's Presidents, or It's laws...

 The Matrix is glitching people. The cracks in the cover-ups are getting bigger and more obvious. The lies are requiring more and more blood.
As a nation now entrenched in a ten year war loses, and in fact no longer even considers public support , tries desperately to hold its power, it must inspire in it's people a reason to remain loyal and to keep paying taxes-and a reason to not to question military tactics.

The constitution been out the door since WW1. You have standing armies on every corner (police). You have unelected officials all around. Your are taxed for services you don't use and aren't eligible for, you are prohibited from daily life activities, you are taught falsely. You are kept in the dark about the world around you, and are slowly propagandized to a fearful world outlook. You take drugs to replace the natural effects that food gave you before food became an industrialized industry. You are sold a lie of provision by degrees, when no degree teaches you self preservation, but to be a peg in a machine..

Your are afraid of the zombie apocalypse?
Zombies line up for over 36 hours to purchase shoes.

A bunch of living, breathing dead souls wandering aimlessly til someone kills us. 

How many know god? Not some fairy tale, but YAHUAH, the Creator, the Breathe of Life? The Father of All? The giver of the Covenant? The Savior? The Sword that brings Peace? The Hammer for a mans hardened heart? Is that not a death sentence? To know NOT?

How dare you be afraid of this rickety shamble of a system and not The Creator who puts breathe in you! Woe to them who do so! Woe to those who laugh at Yahuah, and bow down to Liberty and her whores, stretching "DeMONcracy" around the world like a disease!

One who rules with ALL love, ALL power, ALL authority, ALL wisdom, ALL righteousness, The Keeper of ALL Holiness.

Fear Death? For what reason? It is not an option. It is appointed that I die, this is no surprise. Shouldn't my fear be that I don't Live?

"Not living" does NOT equal "dying"..

"Not living" is much worse than dying, because it can be escaped but usually isn't.

Kendrick Champlin

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