History Comes Full Circle, Pt.2

History Comes Full Circle
A Discussion on Identity and Intention
Part Two

In part one, we discussed that "not living" and "dying" were different. I highlighted a variety of topics that are "not living", including depending on a system for life, being taught to support that system and not yourself, and being effectively neutralized as a free thinker and having your movements restricted through fear tactics and other sorts of nonsense. I don't wish to go into detail in the main part of this blog, but will gladly discuss among the comments if you would like.


What does it take to "live'? 

This is probably the the simplest, and truest answer that you will ever hear-

Seek and Know Yahuah
THIS is life.
If you have never seen this name, it has been hidden from you, purposefully, with every intention that you not ever know it.  It is not new but ancient. Yahuah is the One who has been calling you. The whisper you can't comprehend, the urging to abandon this world and its ways. Will you listen? Will you answer this call? Will you rise from amongst the dead? Or will you see destruction all around and keep sleeping?

Yahuah in Dead Sea Scrolls

Yahuah on Greek Septuigent, used to translate into the English KJV

This is not some "come to my church/bring me offering/feel bad now" message I'm trying to tell you- it's not even fire and brimstone fear tactics-

I am for once in your life offering you the truth-pure, unfiltered, unadulterated.

I have no motive other than you hear it at least once

You may dismiss what I have to say. You may call me a Yahoo. You may lump me with some extremist hate group or another-that is your choice-

But at least- listen.

The Bible-a word deriving from the Greek word Biblios meaning "book", is not fiction, but history. I know you've heard this before, humor me. The events can be cross referenced by any serious student of history, sociology, world civilizations, ancient geography, and geology. The names, identities, ethnicities, language, and cultures of this book have been changed, altered, misrepresented and usurped.

However, the changes are not exactly the way you might think- not deletions or additions, merely a simple obscuring through understanding and misunderstandings, a mass scale reduction or hiding of information until the younger generations simply forget or lost interest, or both.

Because rather than try and rewrite an entire history of the entire world, from start to finish, it is easier to discredit it, re-arrange it, and re-tell it changing only key components that cannot be wiped out, but obscured rather easily.

The purpose of this series of articles is to replace the missing peices of the puzzle in order to inspire to to seek truth. I am in no way asserting that I have every answer to every question ever. I am only revealing to you what I, and many others, have uncovered which was once hidden, obscured, and taught falsely.

Here are the first pieces to this puzzle.

The Jews are not the Hebrews

This is historical fact, not fiction. Their is no support for this lie.

Egyptian Bust found in tomb
Yes, the Sephardic Jews did live in the city of Jerusalem and surrounding areas for some time, but only AFTER Assyrian invasion. The original inhabitants of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah were NOT the inhabitants post invasion.

Pharoah Amh
Egyption Mummy
Let's start at the ethnicity and history of the Egyptian people. The original Hebrew

This is an important factor in bringing forth the truth
Sudanese national
people's, scribes of the ancient text the "Turah" were Egyptian slaves prior to establishing Jerusalem in Canaan.  As more information surfaces and the lie of Egyptology is exposed, you will see that the ancient Egyptians were not how they have been portrayed in modern film and books. The phenotype and description, and even mummified remains of the Egyptians point to a people very close to the Sudanese or Ethiopian. Given the geographical locations of Sudan and Ethiopia, the flow of the Nile, and the history of Northern invasions into the North African Territories (including the Middle East, a Peninsula of Africa not separated until the building of the Suez Canal)- it is
a safe assumption that the modern Sudanese and Ethiopians are the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians-a history that has been purposefully distorted.

The Egyptians were an extremely homogenous race, much like the Japanese today.  Their royalty lines were kept within the family, as much of ancient theocratic monarchies were, and are today. The only way a foriegner would sit and rule over these people was miltary invasion, conquer, and capture. The importance of "keeping up appearances" was a very important factor in their society. A matter that was emulated by later invaders who often wore wigs,
makeup, and other attire to physically try and resemble the ones they had usurped.
Bust of Nefrititi
Ethiopian Model

This is a bit of diversion, but neccrsary to understand the frequency of this behavior in ancient times-

This is EXACTLY the same behavior that took place in Israel and Judah after the Assyrian invasion- a complete usurpation of identity. The same was true of the Hebrew Kingdoms, who were instructed by Yahuah to only chose Kings only from amongst their bloodlines.Also, a deporting of inhabitants to prevent an uprising. This is common- deportation or slavery during the capture and conquer of a foreign nation.

Quick Question- Is there any record of Askenazi or Saphardic Jews in captivity as described in the Turah?

I could go on from here, but this should be enough to start your study.  Look deeper into this and it will be evident.

Something real has happened, is happening, and will happen soon- your job is to find out what.

In the third installment, I will discuss more on who the Jews are, who the Hebrews are, who Yahuah is, and what you need to do about all that.


Kendrick Champlin

 For Similar Post, Click Below:

 History Comes Full Circle, Pt. 1

Blinded By Boston

America and Her Beloved Wars

Suspended Disbelief

A Cry Unto Babylon

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